Authors Orson Scott Card and Aaron Johnston return to their Ender’s Game prequel series with this first volume of an all-new trilogy about the Second Formic War in The Swarm.
Colonization of new worlds always brought challenges that required improvisation, but now for the first time a Formic colony was encountering friction that was intelligent, organized, and effective. However, if there was one thing the Hive Queens were experts at, it was war.-Demosthenes, A History of the Formic Wars, Vol. 3.
We’re very proud to welcome back the acclaimed audiobook cast of the First Formic Wars series: Earth Unaware, Earth Afire, and Earth Awakens. And to introduce some new voices into the fold including authors Orson Scott Card and Aaron Johnston.
Mazer-Stefan Rudnicki
Victor-Stephen Hoye
Bingwen-Vikas Adam
Demosthenes-Orson Scott Card
Imala-Emily Rankin
Khalid-Paul Boehmer
Lem-Arthur Morey
Wila-Susan Hanfield
Misc. Emails/Transmissions-Orson Scott Card
Afterword-Aaron Johnston
Now available on
Frequently we get asked: in what order should I listen to the audiobooks? Click here for a history of the audiobooks and a chronological story-line listening guide to the Ender Universe audiobooks.