“We have worked together for a long time because of mutual respect and genuine friendship. Humor is universal, but not everyone can write humor so that it actually is funny. Written humor often falls flat. Allan can make his humor real – that is, funny. I think he closely identifies with whatever character he is working on and this identification makes it easy – or easier – to be fluent in first-person dialogue and character. Also Allan learned his craft when pulps were at their peak (and yet were about to go into decline). If nothing else, the pulps excelled in sharp dialogue and first-person storytelling.”    Interview with Dominick Abel, Literary Agent on working with Max Allan Collins, and the QUARRY SERIES in particular

Happy. New. Year.

Max. Allan. Collins.

O. M. G.

Good things come in threes. Well, for us actually fours. SkyBooks just landed the simultaneous release of Max Allan Collins’ QUARRY’S CHOICE. And. And. And. (breathe.) Three of the previous Quarry Series novels. Audiobook gold.


In 1976, THE BROKER by Max Allan Collins was published and the Quarry series was born. Quarry centers on a Marine sniper who, after a stint in Vietnam, finds himself shunned by those he loves and demonized by the public. Combat-hardened and disillusioned, he begins earning a living as a hitman, taking orders from a man called simply The Broker. Four more books would follow, published in the late 70s and 80s, and then there would be a long hiatus.

Good things come to those that wait.

photo Max_Allan_CollinsNot that Collins was simply taking time off, mind you. Oh no. Talk about a Renaissance Man. Max Allan Collins, known widely for his graphic novel THE ROAD TO PERDITION  (which was made into a Academy Award winning movie starring Tom Hanks, Paul Newman and Jude Law, again, good things in threes!), has been nominated over  fifteen times for top honors by the Private Eye Writers of America (PWA) and has won twice with his Nate Heller historical mysteries. He received the PWA life achievement award, the Eye, in 2007. He has written a number of innovative suspense series, including Nolan (about a professional thief), Quarry (the first series about a hired killer), and Eliot Ness (four novels about the famous real-life Untouchable’s Cleveland years). He is in a band, CRUISIN,’ as every man of distinction should be. Collins is also continuing the series of late legendary mystery writer Mickey Spillane (see a great NPR interview of Collins here on his relationship with Spillane) and maintains a regular blog which we love. He just named the best 5 Christmas Movies ever: we agree with him, do you? Plus, he co-authors a great Trash ‘N’ Treasure mystery series with his wife Barbara Collins. How can you lose with a title like “Antiques Roadkill?”

But back to Quarry: in 2006, after nearly a twenty-year absence, Collins brought Quarry back in THE LAST QUARRY. Followed by THE FIRST QUARRY (2008) and QUARRY IN THE MIDDLE (2009). In 2010, Perfect Crime Books republished the Quarry series (with a few titles changes to boot), while Collins kept the adventures coming with QUARRY’S EX (2011) and THE WRONG QUARRY (2013). And now:

cover-audio-Quarry's ChoiceQUARRY’S CHOICE

The Quarry Series, Book 11

Quarry is a pro in the murder business. When the mysterious man he works for becomes a target himself, Quarry is sent south to remove a traitor in the ranks. But in this wide-open city—with sin everywhere and betrayal around every corner—Quarry must make the most dangerous choice of his deadly career: who to kill? 

“Collins, a superb storyteller with several series under his gunbelt, is never better then when narrating a new Quarry story.” –Pulp Fiction Reviews

Speaking of narrators, who better to narrate than Skyboat’s own Stefan Rudnicki? You can just imagine how much fun he had bringing this hired killer with an attitude to life. But you don’t need to just imagine, see (and hear!) for yourself:

And then hop on over to and purchase your copy today! And this is just the beginning!

The QUARRY series continues — check out our blog post for the full scoop on THE LAST QUARRY, THE FIRST QUARRY, QUARRY IN THE MIDDLE, QUARRY’S EX, QUARRY IN THE BLACK, QUARRY’S CLIMAX, and KILLING QUARRY. And listen to samples from the whole series on Skyboat’s SoundCloud page.

And if you’re looking for more pulse-pounding series from Max Allan Collins, the MIKE HAMMER series and the NOLAN novels, narrated by Stefan Rudnicki, are now available on audio.


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