He was not only traveling at an unheard of 18,000 miles per hour, but he was also at an unheard of height of 700 miles above the Earth.

And getting faster and higher every second!

This could spell disaster.


 Looking for something that will capture your little one’s imagination…and yours too? This is the audiobook for you! Two hours of genre-bending fun, with family-friendly adventures (sound effects included!) and just the right amount of whimsy.

cover-audio-teale-sparky's first space adventure


Space is a fun and scary space. Join Sparky and his fellow SPACERS as he goes on his first space adventure, to help Professor Hubble, the orbiting space telescope.

Will the Debris Brothers, the space rubbish pranksters, mess up the mission?

Will Sparky make it through the extremely hot and dangerous re-entry window? –downpour.com

Stefan Rudnicki, famed for his portrayal of the 8 year old Ender, in Orson Scott Card’s Ender’s Game Series, narrates this delightful tale. Skyboat is very proud to brig you this adventure in space!

The author? Mike Teale is the UK-based creator of Sparky Space Shuttle, an interactive website for kids designed to teach the wonders of space. Children can play interactive games, watch videos, and gaze at gorgeous photos. His first book, Sparky’s First Space Adventure, is a companion to the website. Mike has always had space in his life, from his first record (Telstar by The Tornados), to missing school to watch the moon landings, then following the drama of Apollo 13 and then marveling at the sight of a shuttle launch. He hopes, through Sparky and his other site www.gr8space4kids.com, to continue to explore & share his love of space, as he continues his nomadic lifestyle, with a connection to cyberspace always at hand or in his space-pack.

Buy a copy for your little space adventurer, and you’ll find you’ll be eavesdropping yourself! BUY  Thank you for your support.

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