“I wonder, by my troth, what thou and I / Did, till we loved?”

–“The Good Morrow” by John Donne, read by Robert Foxworth

Are you stumped on what you can surprise your sweetheart with this Valentine’s Day? Looking for something more substantial than chocolates, more lasting than flowers? Look no farther! May we present:

cover-audio-ValentinesVALENTINES: A Bouquet of Letters and Poetry for Lovers

Compiled and Produced by Stefan Rudnicki

A collection of classic love poetry

Composed by many of the world’s best known and most celebrated poets—including William Blake, Emily Dickinson, John Donne, Robert Frost, James Joyce, Christina Rossetti, William Butler Yeats, and others—Valentines spans not only the ages, but the full range of passionate expression of love in all its forms and stages.

Imagine your favorite classic love poems, works from Shakespeare to Dickinson, arranged into the story arc of a love affair. Next imagine that these words were bought to life by legendary actors such as Roscoe Lee Browne, Elliott Gould, Vanessa Redgrave, Burt Reynolds, Meryl Streep, and Orson Welles, while a lush chamber orchestra accents every delicious syllable. Well, you can stop dreaming, because it’s real. And it’s all here: from the blush of first desire to the throes of fiery passion and the kinship of two like souls.

“For nothing this wide universe I call, / Save thou, my rose; in it thou art my all”

–“O Never Say That I Was False Of Heart” by William Shakespeare, read by Roscoe Lee Browne

Conceived, compiled and produced by Stefan Rudnicki, Skyboat proudly presents a union of poem, performance and song, read by the lights of screen and stage (full cast list here!). This is one collection sure to make a lasting impression on you and your loved ones, so share the love and purchase your copy today. Just in time for Valentine’s Day.

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One Response to VALENTINES: A Bouquet of Letters and Poetry for Lovers

  1. Miss Pippi says:

    Thank you for sharing the full cast list! I appreciated the detail of the document. Thank you!

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